Safety in the workplace involves shared responsibilities between both employees and employers, as outlined by Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) regulations. These responsibilities aim to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, promoting proactive measures to identify and mitigate hazards.

Employer Responsibilities

  1. Provide a Safe Work Environment:
    • Maintain the workplace to minimize hazards.
    • Ensure machinery, equipment, and tools are safe and meet OH&S standards.
  2. Hazard Assessment and Control:
    • Conduct hazard assessments to identify potential risks.
    • Implement control measures to eliminate or reduce risks, such as engineering controls, safe work practices, and providing PPE.
  3. Training and Supervision:
    • Offer comprehensive safety training, covering safe practices, emergency procedures, and equipment use.
    • Ensure workers are supervised by qualified individuals, especially when performing high-risk tasks.
  4. Provide and Maintain PPE:
    • Supply appropriate PPE for specific job requirements and ensure it’s in good condition.
    • Train employees on proper PPE use, storage, and maintenance.
  5. Develop Policies and Emergency Plans:
    • Create safety policies covering hazard communication, workplace violence, and harassment prevention.
    • Develop and implement emergency response plans, including first aid, evacuation, and incident reporting.
  6. Reporting and Record-Keeping:
    • Report serious incidents, injuries, or fatalities to OH&S authorities.
    • Keep records of hazard assessments, safety training, incident reports, and health and safety committee meetings.
  7. Involve Employees in Safety Initiatives:
    • Encourage active participation in hazard assessments and safety committees.
    • Take worker feedback seriously, addressing any concerns raised to improve safety measures.

Employee Responsibilities

  1. Follow Safety Policies and Procedures:
    • Abide by all workplace safety rules, procedures, and instructions provided by the employer.
    • Avoid taking shortcuts that might compromise safety.
  2. Use PPE Correctly:
    • Wear and maintain PPE as required for the job.
    • Report any damaged PPE to a supervisor and request replacements if needed.
  3. Report Hazards and Unsafe Conditions:
    • Promptly report any workplace hazards or safety concerns to a supervisor.
    • Cooperate with hazard assessments and suggest ways to address safety issues.
  4. Participate in Training and Competency Development:
    • Attend all required safety training sessions and apply the learned skills.
    • Seek clarification if unsure about safe work practices or equipment use.
  5. Understand Emergency Procedures:
    • Familiarize yourself with workplace emergency plans, including evacuation routes and first aid procedures.
    • Know who to contact in case of an emergency and how to respond safely.
  6. Respect the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work:
    • Exercise the right to refuse work if there’s a genuine risk to health or safety.
    • Notify a supervisor immediately if refusing work due to safety concerns and follow workplace procedures for reporting.
  7. Promote a Positive Safety Culture:
    • Encourage fellow workers to follow safety practices.
    • Actively participate in safety discussions, hazard assessments, and committee meetings if applicable.


By fulfilling these responsibilities, employers and employees create a partnership that prioritizes health and safety, reduces incidents, and ensures compliance with OH&S standards. This collaborative approach is foundational to building a strong safety culture in any workplace.