Part 65: Product Analysis
(Project Scope Management: Define Scope)
- Product Analysis is used to define products and services
- We want to turn the final product into a set of deliverables that the project can produce
- We start by making a description of the final product or service, at a high level
- Then we want to break this description down into smaller and smaller pieces
- Each piece becomes a separate project deliverable
- For example, a vehicle can be broken down into an engine, wheels, seats, etc. We can describe the engine as a gasoline engine with 4-cylinders, the wheels are 19”, and the seats are red leather. We can break down the engine into smaller pieces, to say that it has a crankshaft, valves, cylinders, and a chain. We can describe the valves as being made of aluminum, with a diameter of one inch and coated in rubber. This might be the furthest that we can break down the engine, but we can break down the other components similarly.
- Each component becomes a deliverable in our project. Thus, the design of an engine valve is one deliverable.
- Product analysis techniques include
- Product Breakdown
- Requirements Analysis
- Systems Analysis & Engineering
- Value Analysis & Engineering