Part 75: Bidder Conferences
(Project Procurement Management: Conduct Procurements)

  • In the procurement process, sellers respond to our Request for Proposals
  • Sometimes, the Request for Proposals is not clear enough and sellers have questions
  • All sellers are entitled to be treated fairly in the procurement process
  • Therefore, we should provide the seller’s question (and our corresponding answer) to all the other sellers.  All sellers should be provided with the same information.
  • The best way to do this is at a Bid Conference
  • A Bid Conference is a meeting between the buyer and prospective sellers prior to submitting a bid or proposal
  • Helps ensure that all sellers have a clear understanding of the procurement requirements
  • Sellers can ask the buyer questions, and all sellers can hear every question and answer
  • In a construction project, it might involve a site visit or tour
  • Sometimes, attendance at the Bid Conference is mandatory.  We may choose to reject bids from sellers that did not attend.